外企代表处 少于50人 医疗设备/器械
外企代表处 少于50人 医疗设备/器械
德国万曼医疗器械有限公司历史追溯至1874年,最初坐落于德国Ludwigshafen。公司致力于在通气治疗、睡眠诊断和睡眠治疗等重要医疗领域为医生与患者提供最高品质的医疗设备与系统解决方案。 万曼产品卓越的品质源于130多年的宝贵经验、充满激情的员工以及我们对自己产品的深刻理解。我们心中始终牢记患者和医生的利益,为他们研发经济实用、贴近需求、治疗范围更广的医疗产品和系统解决方案。 Founded in 1874 as a precision mechanics company in Ludwigshafen, Weinmann Gerte für Medizin GmbH + Co. KG develop, produce and market diagnostic and therapeutic system solutions of the highest quality. partner for life – We promise reliability and the best possible quality. Our pledge is backed by more than 130 years of experience, highly motivated staff members and our close contact with customers and users. We create innovative, economical and customized products for valid diagnoses and a broad therapy spectrum for the benefit of patient, doctor and cost carrier.